Light Church Recovery

Light Church Recovery

Light Church recovery is open to anyone that is in need of recovery, or desires to recover from life’s trials, problems, addictions and dysfunctions is welcome.

It makes no difference what ones recovery area is. Grief, depression, alcohol, drugs, food, stress, pornography, sexual brokenness, life’s problems. It is our prayer at Light Church Recovery group, that we can help each other in recovery and in our walk with Jesus Christ to become closer to and stronger in Him. To be nourished by biblical scripture.

Light Church recovery believes in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His power to change us into the spiritually whole individual He wants us to be. Christianity is a relationship between God and each individual who seeks Him.

As a group, we try to stay within these guidelines.

  1. God and His word, the Bible, is our ultimate authority.
  2. Our common welfare as Christians in active recovery comes first. Being united, we strengthen each other in our faith and in our recovery process.
  3. The only requirement to becoming part of Light Church recovery is a desire to recover and become more Christ like.
  4. As individuals we are each at different stages in recovery from many different addictions/dysfunctions. We endeavor to live and let live and give ourselves and each other permission to take what we need and leave the rest.
  5. Our primary purpose is to share our experience, strength, hope and faith with one another as Christians walking the path of recovery.
  6. We seek to attract others to recovery and the belief in God rather than to promote or force our beliefs onto others. God does all the saving and forgiving, we are here to help direct that path to Him.

Light Church Recovery Creed