Pastor Remarks

Thank you for visiting our website and investing your time to learn more about
The Light Church.

We believe God has called us to focus on reaching people that have not heard
the Truth, teach them about Jesus Christ and train them to go forward and train
future Generations. II Timothy 2:1-4

We are to use The Holy Scriptures to teach people The Truth about God, Jesus
Christ and The Holy Spirit. Primarily we preach and teach in an expository
method. Our calling is to train and not entertain. II Timothy 4:2-4

Our calling by God is to prepare others for the work of the ministry and send
them out to establish churches in areas where people are currently being
unreached. Romans 15:20

God has directed us to prepare His people to be Salt and Light to this generation
and the culture we are living in. Matthew 5:13-16

If you would like to learn more about The Light Church and our ministry please
contact us, we would love to meet with you.

Pastor Ron